Kamis, 14 Maret 2013


  An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb.

Types of Adverbs

There are seven classes of commonly used adverbs:
  1. Adverbs of Time: These adverbs are used to answer the question ‘when’.
    Examples : Now, Yesterday, Today, Once

  2. Adverbs of Frequency: These adverbs are used to answer the question ‘how often’.
    Examples : Seldom, Rarely, Often, Frequently

  3. Adverbs of Place: These adverbs are used to answer the question ‘where’.
    Examples : Out, In, Forward, Everywhere

  4. Adverbs of Manner: These adverbs are used to answer the question ‘how’.
    Examples : Honestly, Bravely, Happily

  5. Adverbs of Degree:These adverbs are used to answer the question ‘how much’ or ‘to what extent’.
    Examples : Fully, Partly, Altogether, Almost

  6. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation: These adverbs are used to confirm or deny.
    Examples : Certainly, Surely, Absolutely

  7. Adverbs of Reason: These adverbs are used to give the reason.                              
    Examples : Therefore, Hence

List of Adverbs, Adverb Examples

Accidentally Happily Really
Always Highly Regularly
Angrily Honestly Reluctantly
Arrogantly Hopelessly Repeatedly
Badly Immediately Rudely
Beautifully Innocently Sadly
Bitterly Instantly Safely
Blindly Interestingly Seldom
Boldly Jealously Selfishly
Bravely Joyfully Seriously
Briefly Kindly Silently
Busily Lazily Slowly
Carefully Less Softly
Certainly Loudly Sometimes
Clearly Lovingly Soon
Courageously Loyally Strictly
Cruelly Madly Suddenly
Curiously More Surprisingly
Daily Mysteriously Sweetly
Delightfully Naturally Terribly
Easily Nearly Thankfully
Enthusiastically Nervously Thoughtfully
Eventually Never Tomorrow
Exactly Obediently Unexpectedly
Excitedly Officially Unfortunately
Extremely Often Urgently
Fairly Openly Usually
Faithfully Painfully Valiantly
Fast Patiently Very
Foolishly Politely Violently
Fortunately Poorly Well
Frankly Positively Wisely
Generally Properly Yearly
Generously Quickly Yesterday
Gently Quietly  
Gracefully Rarely       

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